Climate Security in Central Europe (Addressing the Challenges of Climate, Defence and Security Nexus)

Institute for Central Europe has completed a report on climate security in Central Europe, which was part of several months of work on a project fu...

Politici by měli více naslouchat vědeckým diskusím, říká ředitelka Institutu pro střední Evropu Katarína Cséfalvayová

Podílet se na vzniku kvalitní politiky založené na věcných argumentech a zasazené do evropského kontextu – to je nemalá ambice mladého bratislavské...

Life Cycle Management of Military Equipment: Experiences, Expectations and Opportunities for Collaboration

Research at ICE explores various options for cooperation in managing the life cycle of military equipment. This document is a product of the projec...

How to counter controlled misinformation on social networks? Experiences from Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova

Although disinformation and conspiracies are not a new phenomenon in Slovakia or in the world, in recent years we have seen an unprecedented growth...

Handbook of disinformation campaigns

With the rise of information technology and the ever-increasing accessibility of the Internet to the masses, the dissemination of false information...

Disinformation changes society and threatens the state

On the first of December, the event “Get info on disinformation” took place at the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica (UMB), the aim of whi...

Our Europe – An analysis of Slovak public attitudes towards the EU

The material is an output of the project “Our Europe – Nationwide Citizens’ Consultation in Relation to EU Membership”, implemented wit...

Climate Security in Central Europe (Addressing the Challenges of Climate, Defence and Security Nexus)

Institute for Central Europe has completed a report on climate security in Central Europe, which was part of several months of work on a project fu...

Climate Security in Central Europe: Challenges and Opportunities – Summary of a Public Workshop

On November 25, 2022, the Institute for central Europe (ICE) held an online workshop entitled “Climate Security in Central Europe: Challenges and O...

A Time for Action and Alignment: Climate Security in Slovakia

Climate security remains a concern, but a tertiary one, for Slovakia. This is one conclusion drawn from recent interviews with various relevant exp...

A national obligation: Modern air and missile defence for Slovakia

ICE analyst Fred Hardmann Lea discusses the responsibility of a government to protect its citizens. The air defence needs to be considered as one o...

Southeast Asia, the market for Slovak defence exports?

Malaysia will shortly conclude a deal for the Slovak made EVA wheeled self propelled artillery. The final specifics of the Malaysian purchase have ...

Filling the gap – Russian withdrawal from global defense markets: An opportunity for Slovakia and its ZUZANA 2?

The Russian war in Ukraine also means the decisions of many states to invest more in their defenses. This means an opportunity to revitalize the ar...

ZUZANA 2 and the future of Slovak defense exports in Europe

Slovak howitzer Zuzana is one of the few comprehensive products of the Slovak armaments industry. It has recently come to international attention a...

Slovak armour for the 21st century

Fred briefly wrote about the favorites in the historically largest tender on the Slovak defense, which can reach up to 2 billion euros. Slovakia ne...

Fred’s remark on Slovak 8×8 Armoured Fighting Vehicle tender

In response to a request for submissions for a new armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) from the Slovak government five designs have been submitted. Spa...

An opportunity for Central European air forces

Niektoré štáty aj v strednej Európe zvažujú prezbrojenie svojich vzdušných síl novými nadzvukovými stíhačkami. Okrem iných nevyhnutností, treba zab...

Czech and Slovak air reforms: a chance for alignment

We are pleased to present our new collaborator: Frederick Hardman Lea.Fred is studying his next school – Crisis and Security Management at th...

Politici by měli více naslouchat vědeckým diskusím, říká ředitelka Institutu pro střední Evropu Katarína Cséfalvayová

Podílet se na vzniku kvalitní politiky založené na věcných argumentech a zasazené do evropského kontextu – to je nemalá ambice mladého bratislavské...

Macron udelil Cséfalvayovej francúzske štátne vyznamenanie

Exposlankyňa momentálne pôsobí ako riaditeľka Inštitútu pre centrálnu Európu. Bývalej predsedníčke Zahraničného výboru Národnej rady a prodekanke p...

Deň, keď si Američania volia Ameriku

Vždy som mala o niečo bližšie k republikánskemu pohľadu na svet…. Zdá sa, že víťaza volieb Spojené štáty v najbližších hodinách a možno ani d...

Pakt o migrácii a azyle: kompromis, ktorý nevyšiel

Európska komisia 23. septembra predstavila svoj návrh Paktu o migrácii a azyle, ktorý má byť návrhom nového prístupu, predstavujúceho kompromis med...

Čas hovoriť o revolúcii 5G

Telekomunikačná sieť piatej generácie je spájaná s veľkými očakávaniami. Len pred pár dňami prešla médiami málo povšimnutá informácia, že slovenská...

What our response to the COVID-19 pandemic tells us of our capacity to respond to climate change

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments are currently implementing urgent, costly and radical measures to slow down the spread of th...

« Faute de convaincre les pays rétifs à l’accueil des migrants, l’Europe cède à leurs exigences »

Katarina Csefalvayova, directrice du think tank Institute for Central Europe, et François Gemenne, chercheur en science politique, estiment, dans u...

Fungovanie rezortu obrany po prvých šiestich mesiacoch

Vyjadrenie Martina Fedora otázke webu Refresher k hodnoteniu fungovania rezortu obrany po prvých šiestich mesiacoch: Samozrejme na komplexnejšie ho...

Kam až siaha akademická sloboda?

Možno nastal čas pýtať sa, či aj akademická samospráva nepotrebuje pomoc zvonka. V ostatnom čase sa zdá, že skôr ako vďaka vedeckej excelentnosti č...

SMK chce konflikt, nie autonómiu.

Maďari na Slovensku potrebujú normálne, moderné zastupovanie svojich záujmov. Memorandum, ktoré zástupcovia SMK odovzdali premiérovi pri príležitos...